Training and consulting

We provide paid consultation and training for individuals and groups who desire to implement harm reduction practices within their organizations. As the landscape of drug use, both licit and illicit continues to take shape, SPW remains a leader in best practices that address both organizational needs and best outcomes for clients.

We offer a sliding scale for paid training and will work with your organization to meet your budget. Many of our trainings are also available in Spanish!

We also periodically offer FREE training to the public, a valuable opportunity to enhance your knowledge – click the button below for more info.

SPW Virtual Classroom

Free, online, self-paced courses. Automatically receive a certificate after course completion!

Overdose Prevention Recognition and Response

This 45 minute free introductory course will explore opioid overdose risk factors and prevention, national and state overdose trends, frameworks for understanding opioid use, and implementing harm reduction tools to better support people who use opioids.

Participants will learn how to recognize the signs of an opioid overdose, what Naloxone/Narcan is, how and when to use it, and how to obtain Naloxone/Narcan. Thank you for doing your part to reduce overdose deaths in your community; go forth and save lives!

Fentanyl Facts, Fiction and Staying Safe

Join us for this training on all things fentanyl. During this 90-minute training, learners will become familiar with trends in fentanyl use in Arizona. We will talk in depth about why people choose to use fentanyl intentionally and explore some ways that people may be consuming fentanyl unintentionally. As always, learners will get real, practical tips on how to stay safer while using substances, including how to use fentanyl test strips.

Cómo Prevenir, Reconocer, y Qué Hacer en Caso de Sobredosis

Este curso introductorio gratuito explorará los factores de riesgo y la prevención de sobredosis de opioides, los marcos para comprender el uso de opioides y la implementación de herramientas de reducción de daños para brindar un mejor apoyo a las personas que usan opioides.

Los participantes aprenderán cómo reconocer los signos de una sobredosis de opioides, qué es Naloxona/Narcan, cómo y cuándo usarlo y cómo obtener Naloxona/Narcan. Gracias por hacer su parte para reducir las muertes por sobredosis en su comunidad; ¡Adelante, a salvar vidas!

Upcoming *FREE* Public Trainings

Opioid Overdose Recognition, Response, and Prevention

Trainer: SPW Staff

Opioid Overdose Recognition, Response, and Prevention

Trainer: SPW Staff

International Overdose Awareness Day training: History of Drug Criminalization

Trainer: SPW Staff

Community Overdose Prevention, Recognition and Response Training

Trainer: SPW Staff

Group Trainings

Our group trainings offer a unique perspective that is informed by data, best practices, and the direct input of people who use drugs. Check our calendar for scheduled trainings or request one by contacting us.


“The polls were fun, the lack of stuffiness is always appreciated, the way it was established as a safe space to share and the consistent reiteration via vulnerable sharing.”

Attendee of our harm reduction certification course

"I just wanted to say thank you so much for taking the time to talk to my classes today. I have a strong feeling that you not only opened people's eyes, your presentation will give people hope in their personal lives. The work you all do is just incredible, and the kindness and authenticity you bring to the presentation makes it that much better."

Instructor, South Mountain Community College

1:1 Consulting

We provide in-depth 1:1 support to help you establish policies, procedures, and workflows in your organization.


Request a training or consultation

Due to the popularity and need for these trainings, we are currently booking out 2-3 months.

Get involved

Join our team

When you work at SPW, you’ll join a team where your voice is important and your work matters.

Become a volunteer

Help expand harm reduction access in Arizona.

Share your resources

There are many ways to share your resources with SPW including monetary donations and physical items.
Sonoran Prevention Works logo

Join us for GivingTuesday on December 3rd! Early giving is now open.

Introducing the new SPW Virtual Classroom

Free, online, self-paced courses with certificates awarded on course completition.