Building a healthy Arizona with people who use drugs

Since 2011, Sonoran Prevention Works has been working to improve the lives of people who use drugs through street-based outreach, organizational capacity building, and state-wide advocacy work.

Overdose reversals reported (2017-2021)

HIV & HCV tests conducted

Individuals trained in overdose prevention

Laws passed
"I think it's a great thing what you guys are doing and I'm here to support it. Supplying the community with something that helps with saving lives is a nice thing - you guys are saving lives."
Get resources to meet your goals
Our programs connect you with the resources you need to be safe and healthy. We’ll help you establish and work towards your individual goals – no abstinence required.

Help us build a healthy Arizona
Whether you want a career in harm reduction or to donate your time as a volunteer, there’s a spot for you.
Your support makes our work possible
There are many ways to give to SPW. You can give financially, donate stock, share your extra resources, or even shop on Amazon. No matter how you give, your contributions are critical in making our work possible.
“I have used naloxone before on friends and my brother has needed it used on him before. Thank you for sending this, I still have my brother because of it.”