Donate to support harm reduction in Arizona
Manage your contact information, email subscription, and contribution settings by logging into your supporter account.
Your donation is tax deductible!
Donations made to Qualified Charitable Organizations (QCO) can be claimed as a dollar-for-dollar tax credit on your federal and state returns!
On your federal return, you can deduct up to $600 without having to itemize your deduction. If you are itemizing, you can usually deduct up to 60% of your adjusted gross income.
On your state taxes, you can deduct up to $470 for single filers and $938 for joint. You can claim a credit in any state, but if you’re in Arizona, all you need to do is fill out Arizona Form 321, list our QCO number (21011), and include it with your tax filing.
The Arizona Charitable Tax Credit is independent of the Public Education Tax Credit. You can take advantage of both on your tax return.
“I donate to SPW because of my son’s struggles with substance use and I know Naloxone has saved his life more than once. I love the work SPW does to promote harm reduction and I want to be a part of it!”
Janet Rothman Sickler, M.A, L.P.C.
Other ways to give
In-kind donations
- Vehicles
- Alcohol wipes, tourniquets, plastic bags, paper lunch sacks, sharps containers, syringes, hygiene supplies, and other medical supplies
- Food and drinks for community events
- Gift cards as incentives for focus groups
Sell or shop on eBay and benefit SPW.
For sellers: First, Add SPW as a favorite charity. Then, when you list an item select the option “donate a portion to charity” and choose how much you want to contribute.
For shoppers: First, Add SPW as a favorite charity. Then, search the charity shop for items that benefit SPW. You can also add a little “boost” every time you check out or shop for symbolic gifts.
Donate through Fry’s for free
At no cost to you, your grocery shopping can benefit people impacted by substance use in Arizona. A percentage of your purchase will be automatically donated to SPW by Fry’s, all you need to do is sign up for the Community Rewards Program online with your Fry’s V.I.P Card!
- First, create an account
- Second, register for the Fry’s Community Rewards Program. When choosing an organization either search for Sonoran Prevention Works or use NPO number GA103.
Donate any token on any blockchain. Donate stock or give by bank transfer, credit card or Apple Pay.
"SPW is an indispensable resource for Arizona. The staff are experts in providing risk reduction resources for prevention of HIV, Hepatitis C, and overdose. It is a privilege to support the committed, dedicated, and hardworking people of this organization."
William Riley, PhD
Professor, College of Health Solutions
Director, National Safety Net Advancement Center
Arizona State University