Jaime Rose,

Systems Navigation Specialist

Cochise County

Jaime Rose has many years of experience and is super passionate on doing outreach and harm reduction. He has lived experience with drug use and actively abused substances for over ten years. He has been in recovery for just over 4 years and with support from his beautiful wife and children. He is involved in his community and works with many programs to get assistance to those in need. He is a voice for all who have struggled and are still in the struggle. He enjoys giving back what he has received and is here for support. He is super excited to work with SPW, a group of people with the drive and understanding of what is really needed in the community. He has lost so much because of addiction, and being in a position to give hope and be there for others is his passion. He enjoys sharing his story with hopes of letting the world know if he can do it, anyone can. He believes everything happens for a reason, and he uses his struggle for good. Jaime says, “God is good!”
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