Danielle Treiber,


Systems Change Associate Program Director


Danielle Treiber, PhD, has spent a lifetime dissecting the systems and structures that make those who use substances feel like they are not worthy human beings. Whether in her direct family system or with the kids and families she has directly worked with, her intention has always been to break the cyclic trap of disconnection from one’s true essence and bring people compassionately back to themselves without a distorted War on Drug’s lens by meeting people where they are without judgment, providing them with universal basic needs, and engaging them lovingly in their personal journey of discovery. Danielle is excited to work alongside the SPW team to create sustainable, dignified, and mindful systemic change. Danielle also has a soft spot for all things animals, especially her special needs bulldogs. She teaches yoga, loves a long bike ride, and will eat as much good vegan food as she can.
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