Find free naloxone in Arizona
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Getting naloxone from a pharmacy
- Find a pharmacy near you
- Call ahead to see if they have it in stock
- Go to the pharmacy and pick it up at the counter
If you have insurance, naloxone may be free or discounted. Check GoodRx for coupons!
What to do if a pharmacist says no...
Not all pharmacists are aware of the standing order which allows naloxone to be dispensed to anyone. You may need to show a pharmacist the standing order and inform them that it is legal to be dispensed to anyone under the standing order.
Learn to administer naloxone
How to use nasal naloxone
How to use needle-and-vial naloxone
Naloxone FAQs
There are several types of naloxone administration. The two types that Sonoran Prevention Works distributes the most are intramuscular and nasal.
Here’s a video that shows you how to use intramuscular (needle-and-vial) naloxone.
Here’s a video that shows you how to use nasal naloxone.
This happens when pharmacists aren’t aware of the standing order. Just show them the standing order and inform them that naloxone is legal to dispense to anyone under the standing order. You may need to ask for a supervisor if the pharmacist you are speaking with is unwilling to dispense it to you.